I have the honor of showing you this very dramatic haircut! Not only that, but you get to hear how she told me her story in an email. If you don't know Donna's mom, Becky, you are missing out. And the world is missing out because she doesn't have a blog of her own. So here is her email to me after I posted about losing hair...Enjoy!
On more current news, guess who got a haircut? Shut yo mouf. I did! I got a phone call one day, picked it up, and heard, "Becky, this is the 1980's. We need our hair back." I almost wrote you and asked for advice prior to this. I knew my hair was keeping me from the Junior League and all high society events. Also, when I went with Don to Bass Pro Shop, I noticed all the ladies with my hair had on tank tops, stretch shorts that showed every roll, and weighed at least 200. Their trucks were not air conditioned. I now feel so free, I may take up guitar and painting. Here I am in April:
Girrrrl, I have no idea why I was so scared to let go of my 30 year old fuzz.
Miz Becky showing mo necky
And for the grand finale, when I asked her if I could use her for this post, this was her reply..."You can use it. I am ready to be on the Cat Walk representing for the AARP!"
I love this woman! You look great, Miz Becky showin' mo necky!