Today's my last day with long hair. I had to psyche myself up for this since it took me so long to grow it out, but I'm ready. I really am, I promise. It's getting hot, and it takes so long to fix it. And honestly, my original plan was to grow it out to donate it, and became vain and attached to it. Time to let it go. Here are a few looks I'm thinking about. And no, I'm not dumb enough to think that my hair will look as good as either of these beauties, but I must have something to shoot for right? Let me know if ya'll have suggestions on looks you like for me. I'm open to suggestions!
Monday, 30 April 2012
Bye-Bye Hair
Can't Win for Losin'
8 years I've tried to shop for my husband. He rarely likes things I buy him. I have quit trying to buy anything for him but J Crew, and it kills me to spend the money so I always have to wait for the big sales. I still only have about a 50/50 chance of getting it right. I came home from TJ Maxx the other day with some clothes for my giant 12 year old. I had the clothes lying on a chair for him to try on. In walks Dad who says, "Cool shorts, are these for me?" Seriously? We all know that if I had bought those shorts for him, he'd have hated them. Can't win for losin'.
Monday, 23 April 2012
WILL YOU FOLLOW ME? Even if there's nothing to give you stability? Even if you can't understand where I'm leading you? Even if you must wait for the things you desire? Even in the darkness? Will you risk your incarnation to follow the mystery?...Will you follow me into the Wilderness? -Paula D'Arcy from The Gift of the Red Bird
This is the message I got last week in this book I was reading, and I believe this is God speaking to me. The answer to him, is YES!!! I WILL FOLLOW YOU!! I feel like we have been on such a crazy, adventurous journey over the last 2 1/2 years. Between me and Tadd we have been through 4 new jobs, 4 houses, homeschooling for the first time, and going on our second out of state move in a year. What is so funny, is that I've remained peaceful the whole time. I know my Lord is leading me, and who am I to question any of it? I see His fingerprints on every single thing we've been through (hindsight is 20/20 you know?!).
So now, we are moving back to Franklin. Very unexpectedly, Tadd got a call from his old company (2 jobs ago), offering him a job back in TN with a much smaller territory, and completely manageable for our family. We prayed, fasted, sat before the Blessed Sacrament in Adoration, and got our answer. YES, WE WILL FOLLOW YOU!!! Wanna talk about His fingerprints? Two days after Tadd turned in his 2 week notice, his current CEO sent a letter saying they had sold the company. Had this new opportunity not happened, we would likely be in a situation where he would have to find a new job.
Every morning, I offer my day to God (actually twice, because I do it before I get out of bed, and again with my kids after breakfast). Here's what we say to Him:
(Me) Prayer of Abandonment
Father, I give myself to you.
Do with me as you will,
for whatever you do,
I thank you;
I am ready for all.
Let only your will
be done in me
as is done in your creation;
I ask nothing else.
Father, I surrender;
I place myself in your hands
because you are my Father
and because I love you;
Into your hands
I commend my spirit.
(Kids) Morning Offering
Dear Lord,
I offer you today,
and all I think and do and say.
Help me to be better on this day
Than I was yesterday.
Now, let me just say that it is really easy to pray this, but not so easy to live it and believe it. I'm not saying I'm totally there, but after years of doing this, I'm getting closer and closer to believing the words I say. The more I say those words, the more peaceful I am about the roller-coaster of events that happen in my life. The more I surrender to Him, the more He gives me the desires of my heart.